Rick Pielago tells the story of how his grandfather opened a bar in San Pedro in 1934, right after prohibition ended — and how a Mary Star traveling softball team led his father to discover a steak house in Arizona that provided the inspiration for Peppy’s, a legendary restaurant in mid 20th Century San Pedro.
Jun 1, 2023
SOLAHA Vol. III, No. 40 Rick Pielago Remembers how Peppy’s dinner house began
What great stories and memories Rick shares; and so many will still remember Peppy. Rick is always robust and enthusiastic. He attended 7th Street Elementary School, Mary Star of the Sea Middle & High Schools, then on to Loyola Marymount for undergrad degree and Golden State University for further studies and earned bachelor of science in “taxation” currently has his very active C.P.A. business in town.
Rick is avid sports fan and part of the SP Sports Walk committee (on calendar for Oct. Oct. watch for news). Married to full fledged Croatian Kris (Ursich) they are proud parents of two sons.