Born and raised San Pedran Rick Pielago tells the story of how his immigrant grandparents came to San Pedro with a detour first to Havana, Cuba

July 7, 2022

SOLAHA Vol. III, No. 8 Rick Pielago grandparents emigrated to SP c. 1920

It’s the “running of the bulls” (July 7-14), in Pamploma Spain after a two year hiatus, and timely tale from Rick Pielago about his Basque/Portuguese  grandparents who emigrated from Spain to Cuba in 1908, then to America

There will be many more fascinating stories from Rick whose father was restaurateur who built “Peppy’s” restaurant at family home property (that’s currently J. Trani Ristorante).

Rick is a true “local” who attended 7th Street Elementary School, Mary Star of the Sea Middle & High Schools, then on to Loyola Marymount for undergrad degree and Golden State University for further studies and earned bachelor of science in “taxation” and is full fledged C.P.A.

He’s avid sports fan and part of the SP Sports Walk committee. Married to full fleged Croatian Kris (Ursich) they are proud parents of two sons.

We look forward to more family history and stories.



Other Memories From Rick Pielago