Backyard Farms & Fishermen’s Fiesta Growing Up — Annette Ciketic

Annette (Kaloper) Ciketic reveals how the building of new (c. 1958) Mary Star of the Sea Church was funded by “ton of tuna” tithing of mostly Italian and Croatian local fishermen inspired by her father’s idea; and the immense connection to the sea represented in the artwork and icons within and outside of the church.

Cooking for an Italian Mama’s Boy –Ann Menard

Ann (Good) Menard tells the story of her parents coming to San Pedro, meeting, the long journey to getting married, and a hilarious account of what her dad’s Italian mother did to make sure her boy was well fed because it was clear his new wife couldn’t cook!

Prison to Community Leader — Angel Montes

We all make mistakes, some big, some small. Angel Montes’ mistakes cost him ten years in prison, but the owner of Los Tres Cochinitos restaurant and Wilmington community leader used the time behind bars to get his life straight and learn everything he could about the restaurant business so that he could help with his mom’s place when he got out. Angel served his time and came out a new man who emerged as a leader in his community.