Longtime San Pedro community leader, Louis Dominguez tells the story of the rollercoaster 17 year journey that it took to get the Vincent Thomas Bridge lit.
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- Responding to Tim McOsker, Vol. II, No. 15 – How he purchased his home
- Growing up in Wilmington — Danny Miranda
- Racial Strife on the Docks in the 1950s — Dave Arian
- Story of Los Tres Cochinitos – Angel Montes
- The Day it Snowed in San Pedro – Judi Kanaster Haase
- Baking Easter Bread with Grandma — Florence Kleinjan
- Grandfather emigrated to USA from Croatia – Augie Bezmalinovich
- LA Sports Hangout The Majestic Cafe– Jim Trani
- Moving to Wilmington — Dan Hoffman
- How Big Nick’s Fed 2,000 Hungry Cruise Ship Passengers – John Bagakis