San Pedro filmmaker and co-producer of SOLAHA, Jack Baric tells the story of how his parents immigrated to the LA Harbor area and his experiences at school after he arrived for kindergarten not able to speak English.

June 2, 2021
Stories of L.A. Harbor Area: For Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (SOLAHA)
Vol. II, No. 51 Filmmaker and director/co-producer of SOLAHA, Jack Baric tells the story of how his parents emigrated to the LA Harbor area and his experiences at school a the “interpreter” and commemorating Croatian Independence

Yet another great example of the value and meaning of the SOLAHA stories and the “immigrant experience” so important to the USA and so many of us from San Pedro and harbor area empathize with, as we remember and preserve history for future generation

We’re close to culminating SOLAHA Vol. II and soon will be filming Vol. III and will have some other stories to share in between.

We appreciate the on-going support of Los Angeles County (LAC) Supervisor Janice Hahn, District 4 grant funding. Also our immense gratitude to our generous website sponsors and please support their various businesses and efforts : Renaissance Group (Erik Eisenberg), Clean San Pedro (Steve Kleinjan), George Van Buren & Associates (accounting services), Jim Hussey (State Farm Insurance), City Council District 15, and Foremen’s Union Local #94, and Peter Read Miller sports photographer; and Port Town websites for the excellent design and management.

Hope all are enjoying spring as we soon embrace summer season/



Other Memories From Jack Baric