SOLAHA producing partner, local documentary filmmaker, Jack Baric tells the story of throwing a Christmas Party at the Aquarium Club in Downtown San Pedro when nobody ventured downtown after dark.
December 24, 2020
Stories of L.A. Harbor Area: For Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow (SOLAHA)
Vol. II, No. 36 Jack Baric organizes “all out” party at Aquarium Club brining vitality to the town
Ever the entrepreneur it’s fascinating to hear SOLAHA producer/director Jack Baric talk about forming a DJ company “Black Tie” productions and one special event decades ago on Christmas that was “wildly successful” and brought new life to the not so popular downtown that was not so popular with the “younger set.”
Another great example of the value and meaning of the SOLAHA stories as we remember and preserve history for future generation.
We are appreciate the on-going support of Los Angeles County (LAC) Supervisor Janice Hahn, District 4 grant funding. Also our immense gratitude to our generous website sponsors and please support their various businesses and efforts : Renaissance Group (Erik Eisenberg), Clean San Pedro (Steve Kleinjan), George Van Buren & Associates (accounting services), Jim Hussey (State Farm Insurance), ILWU L. A. City Council District 15, and Foremen’s Union Local #94, and Peter Read Miller sports photographer; and Port Town websites for the excellent design and management.
Enjoy the yuletide season during this tenuous time and continue to support local businesses and services.
Other Memories From Jack Baric
- Playing in the Streets of San Pedro — Jack Baric
- A Croatian Immigration Story — Jack Baric
- Batter Up! A San Pedro Little League Story — Jack Baric
- Starting San Pedro Magazine — Jack Baric
- Christmas Party in DTSP — Jack Baric
- Italy; Occupiers to Freedom Providers — Jack Baric
- Lost At Sea In Croatian Islands — Jack Baric
- Dad Escapes Communism — Jack Baric