San Pedro resident, Florence Kleinjan talks about her memories of working at Ports of Call during the peak of its popularity and how it was more than just a place for tourists. Locals could meet all of the shopping needs that they would later fulfill at malls — and now do with online shopping.

June 25, 2020

Stories Of Los Angeles Harbor Area – For Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow (SOLAHA)
Vol. II, No. 14 – Florence (Alba) Kleinjan, San Pedro born, bred recalls the family atmosphere of working at Ports of Call during the peak of its popularity and how it was more than just a place for tourists.

Ports O’Call Village and the main namesake restaurant was a great summertime, actually year round, destination attracting visitors and “tourists” from throughout the region and internationally, yet also patronized by local San Pedro residents because of the array of specialty shops and restaurants, harbor cruises, sport fishing trips, family and “date” fun. From my, and many others, perspective it’s being “razed” is a huge, lamentable and irreplaceable loss to the Main Channel seascape.

As co-producer Jack Baric observes:Locals could meet all of the shopping needs that they would later fulfill at malls — and now do with online shopping.

My view is more, as the song goes “Those were the days my friend, we thought they’d never end….” and thanks to stories like Florence recounts we can share the memory. By the way her husband of nearly 50 years (they were high school sweethearts) carries a photo of her in her popcorn sales girl uniform in in his wallet that is adorable, as she still is!).



Other Memories From Florence Kleinjan


Memories From Steve Kleinjan