Christine Aguirre tells the story of how her father opened Sal’s Market in Wilmington and recalls all the memories of working in the store from the time she was a young girl.
September 29, 2023
SOLAHA Vol. IV, No. 4 Christine (Aguirre) Zambrano Salt’s Market in Wilmington
Christine tells the story of how her father opened Sal’s Market in Wilmington and memories of working in the store and how clever, industriouss her father was.
Christine has lived in Wilmington or San Pedro her entire life, raised in Wilmington attending Holy Family Grammar School, from kindergarten through 8th grade graduating in1967; Wilmington Junior High for ninth grade, graduating in 1968 and Phineas Banning High School, graduating in 1971.
Her first job was working in her fathers business “Sal’s Market” as a cashier, from 1963-1973. Her second job was working for the United States of America Federal Government, Social Security Administration from 1973-1999, retiring on July 31, 1999.
Before she retired, she was in the process of becoming a ILWU casual and had a side job was a photographer. She especially enjoyed photographing weddings and children. In 2001, she began working as a Longshoreman (ILWU Local #13) retiring in January 2020. Proud parent of her two daughters she has seven grandsons and five great grandchildren
In December 2020, she and her daughters bought a grocery store business in Wilmington and renamed it“Sal’s Market and Deli” in tribute to her father.