Ann (Good) Menard tells the story of the diverse San Pedro neighborhood her Italian immigrant grandparents, father, and uncle lived in during the mid 20th Century. Her dad’s ragtag group of 12th Street friends harken back to the era of the “Our Gang” characters like Alfalfa, Froggy, and Spanky that were found on “The Little Rascals” show that was popular during that period.

April 29, 2021
Stories of Los Angeles Harbor Area: For Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow
Vol. III, No. 1 Ann (Good) Menard

Ann (Good) Menard tells the story of the diverse San Pedro neighborhood where her Italian immigrant grandparents resided and how her father, and uncle lived during the mid 20th Century. Her dad’s ragtag group of 12th Street friends harkens (sic) back to the sweet innocent era of the “Our Gang” characters like Alfalfa,Spanky, (adorable) Darla, Froggy and Farina, who were also known as the “Little Rascals” of the famed Hal Roach short comedy films.

Ann or “Annie” as many call her is one of five daughters of Joe and Dottie Good. Her dad and Uncle Mike owned “Joe and Mikes” (auto repair), Good Buick in Wilmington and Peninsula Pontiac in Torrance. Their family hailed from Ischia (cousins to DiMeglio and DiCarlo families). She grew up in San Pedro, attended Seventh Street School, then the family moved to Palos Verdes and she attended Dapplegray, and Miraleste High School She went She earned her B.A. at UCLA and continued on to Loyola for her law degree (Magna Cum Laude).

She married in 1989 and moved to Pasadena, and moved back to “PV” in 1991 to raise her two sons. Her law career is impressive and currently she is Senior Executive Vice President, Chief Legal Officer, Corporate Secretary Chief Legal Officer for The Macerich Company, one of the country’s leading owners, operators and developers of major retail and mixed-use real estate.

Charming and beautiful you’ll enjoy Ann’s first story and more in coming months. Please share with friends, relatives, everyone!



Other Memories From Ann (Good) Menard