ILWU member and lifelong Harbor area resident Christine (Aguirre) Zambrano warmly recalls playing in her family’s big Wilmington backyard and decades later how finding an old doll at an antique store brought all the childhood memories back to her and her sister.
John Papadakis, a longtime San Pedro community leader, tells the story of how he developed his pride of being Greek and how that manifested itself into the opening of his legendary Papadakis Taverna
Former Los Angeles City Councilman Bob Farrell tells the story of how he first arrived to San Pedro as a Navy sailor on a ship coming down the main channel of the Port of Los Angeles.
Martin Chacon tells the story of becoming a casual in the ILWU and getting elevated in the union while he was overseas on military service in Iraq. SOLAHA Vol. IV, No. 15 VFW Commander Martin Chacon becomes longshoreman while in military service. Veterans of Foreign...
San Pedro Today publisher, Joshua Stecker tells the San Pedro worker’s story of his grandfather owning a muffler shop and later going down on the docks to get an ILWU union job as a longshoreman.
93 years old, Libby DiBernardo, who walks miles daily, is longtime real estate broker in San Pedro and relates the story of how his father built his fishing boat and the interruption that World War II…